Hello, I am Harrison, the first creator of fiug.

what is fiug?

fiug is a browser-based development environment which offers alternative workflows for popular languages and frameworks.

Think of it as an online, code playground that grew up and became the way you build, explore, and maintain your creations.

yet another browser IDE?

There are already well-established tools for working with languages and frameworks. Why not just use those?

The answers to those questions are reasonably simple. Before the answers, though, let’s sidetrack.

I propose: as developers and creators, we are too comfortable with building roadblocks for ourselves.

Need help agreeing? How about an exercise?

Let’s create something significant using insert language or framework:

  • pick a language or framework that is new to you
  • duck-duck-go search for it
  • come back after you have made something useful
  • now, let’s be honest about everything you found
  • also, let’s repeat this exercise for any/all other languages and/or frameworks you fancy

How was that? What if it could be easier?

Now, here’s the simple answer: fiug is an attempt to shortcut all that (and more)!

There are other tools that do something similar, but I found them lacking. So I began working on an alternative.

About the browser: this is the fastest and most ubiquitous way to achieve the goal stated above. For now, fiug is hosted here. Maybe some day it will find other homes.

…and then?

I’ll leave it there for now. I’m happy to discuss further (I do value discussion), but really I’d prefer to build with you.

Find me in either case.

This tool is currently at version 0.4.5. Try it out at fiug.dev or read about version 0.4.5.

Work is in progress for version 0.4.6. Explore at beta.fiug.dev or read about version 0.4.6.