a running list of all the explorations I would like to dig deeper into


  • N-copter
    • quad copter
    • copter with any given number of rotors
    • real physics for rotors
  • biped - n-ped
    • biped locomotion
    • n-legged locomotion
  • wheeled vehicles kenematics

Machine Learning

  • when should bank account be checked? (predict likliehood of change)

Markov Chains

  • https://github.com/Edwin-Pratt/js-markov

Reinforcement Learning

  • wtf happened in my college class on this?

Control Theory

  • PID tuning
  • wtf happened in my college class on this?

Signal Processing

Image Processing | Manipulation | Creation

  • object detection
  • background removal
  • chop and remix and shuffle an image
  • basic operations I want to do all the time
    • crop
    • paste and add text or speech bubble
    • graph of nodes with connections
    • slideshows
    • scan multiple pages into a pdf document
  • procedural art

Game Helpers

  • Line Rangers
    • whats the best ranger to upgrade?
    • how often do certain rewards drop?
    • is it worth it to purchase something?
    • what is the best gear to place on ranger?

Math (see mathematics.js)

Knowledge Graph

  • all the notes/threads/connections in one place
    • google bookmarks
    • pocket (Read It Later)
    • old bookmarks from Firefox, Chrome, delicious
    • notes from email
    • Amazon Wishlist
    • goodreads
    • youtube likes / watch later
    • old notes in text files (or elsewhere?)
  • can be visualized
  • can be searched easily
  • can be globbed together, tagged, sorted
  • can be shared
  • will remind me to come back to it
  • also see: HN comments thread about Dendron,a ROAM alternative

Code, Languages, Computing

  • use case: create a dependency graph (visualize code connections)
  • use case: change the location of required/imported dependencies
  • use case: transform code from one format to another
  • abstract syntax tree
  • parser generator
  • user interface markup language
    • I would like to start UI’s with this but not go as low level with it as some I have seen
    • wiki

Zietgeist Engine

  • think Mechanical Turk, then stop
  • think facebook analytics or google analytics or search engines or social media, then stop
  • We have not completely figured out how the individual can query the mass brain (or even smaller collectives)
  • I have a picture some place of this… had a long talk with Mehul about it… maybe lost

Systems Architecture

  • this is LESS about classic architecture patterns and thinking
  • this is LESS about making manually making graphs, pictures, and annotations
  • this is MORE about implementing running models of a few system patterns I am interested in
  • I wonder how much distributed systems functionality can/should be implemented in a programming language
    • can internal system messages be interchanged with external calls?
    • how can components of a distributed system be seen as parts of one system (is this a naive question?)
  • the intent is not to fully implement the system components more than needed to explore the pattern
  • Analysis of Message-Passing Concurrency
  • can shader languages and programming for GPU’s inform this discussion?

Modular Synth

  • https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Behr2600–behringer-2600-analog-semi-modular-synthesizer


  • dream org
    • I’d like to put all of this into the human realm, have a company or company
    • create an org chart
    • multiple teams
      • computer hardware and software(possibly with sub-teams)
      • wood-working
      • industrial design
    • assistants or managers

themes of ideas I get

  • isolation chamber
  • computing without senses (or limited senses)
  • visuals
  • audio
  • games
  • money investment markets economics
  • parallel computation
  • machine learning
  • lifestyle workflow
  • analysis: data and systems
  • robotics
  • think tank crowd source

Little Experiments

I want to be able to do little experiments

  • and easily share them
  • and not have to deal with build system
  • and not spin up a server
  • and later grow them

Examples of little experiments:

  • broken clock right twice a day
  • simulate a collection of people as faulty mirrors
  • architect stage of some project
  • emulate kubernetes, explore kubernetes pattern
  • services with central config service pattern
  • scrape a bunch of sites and do wizardry (data composition & representation)
  • write a bunch of ideas then visually group and connect them
  • write a bunch of little modules then visually group and connect them
  • collect a ton of stuff and have something make me come back to them or recall them
  • search for unicode icons without leaving text editor
  • view fonts in editor
  • view/change/convert colors and color palettes in editor
  • write web code the way I want to, use files the way I want to
    • ^^^ might be useful to expand on this