exploring the human use of human beings

Situation 1:

  • Party A has an ubundant supply resource A.
  • Party A would benefit greatly from some Taboo Action A.
  • Party A would suffer repercussions if they were responsible for that action.
  • Party B needs or strongly feels the imperative to acquire resource A.
  • Party A would share resource A with party B.
  • Party B commits Taboo Action A, Party A benefits and Party B potentially benefits.

Situation 2:

I don’t have this one fully formed, but it has something to do with ethics and morality from an observational perspective. More specifically, is it wrong to harm those who did not harm you, but (from your vantage) did harm someone you care for? How does this play into the dynamics of power? More thought is needed to answer this; right now this is only an intuition.