features and fixes to think about when release planning

local file system

  • mount the file system, use browser API’s

customer facing concerns still at large

  • panes and pane related
  • issues with .keep files and ##PLACEHOLDER## files
  • tree dragging/droping
  • terminal
    • arrow keys
    • tab completion
    • links (to something within app)
  • search performance
  • viewing / cleaning up storage

  • starting a github repo with fiug
    • from scratch
    • from folder on local hard drive
  • uploading files into a repo (especially binary)
  • removing a repo
  • git
    • history of commits
    • diff across repos
  • themes
  • extensions/plugins/store, see store incubate
  • open from fiug badge on github
  • editor horizontal scroll

exiled from v0.4.6

  • “Go to github” - view github for the open repo
  • view commits (maybe be better option than Go to gh)
  • word wrap in editor
  • editor search bar docks at top versus floating over
  • use prose mirror for markdown rendering
    • https://prosemirror.net/examples/markdown/
    • come with the advantage of being able to implement WYSIWG later
  • node REPL (and other REPL’s as well)
  • minimap for large files (fails on service-worker dist, for example)
  • minimap should reproduce ascii art reliably
    • because if it doesn’t then how can we trust regular code to be repoduced reliably?
  • markdown frontmatter
  • on first open, project should show Readme.md open if exists
  • markdown support, image templates, and maybe other templates loaded by default when fiug loads
  • when editor search returns no results -> “undefined of 1”
  • when rollup error occurs ( ie, /!/script case), indicate this somehow to caller
  • after files are commited, should remove “changed” status
  • codemirror mini-map doesn’t appear until doc is focused
  • codemirror native scrollbars
    • need to be styled to be invisible
    • horizontal scrollbar needs to be visible
    • issues with native appearing when zoomed out
    • see issues surrounding this
  • close all doesn’t work properly
    • does actually close tabs
    • when next file is opened, all files are back
  • should be able to delete a cloned repository
  • should be able to update service worker without opening chrome dev tools
  • ^^^ see “nice to have 2021-10-04”, items starting with “a way to”
  • should be able to run code from terminal in context of main app (not in worker or iframe)
  • should be able to list triggers and listeners currently attached to app (see previous item, maybe)
  • run a github action from terminal
  • a way to paste an image in editor like can be done on github
  • a way to jump to current repo on github from fiug

nice to have 2021-10-04

  • history that remembers across sessions
  • export root to zip
  • import root from zip
  • upload file
  • upload folder
  • paste image
  • paste file
  • terminal tab completion
  • terminal left and right arrows (and insert/delete)
  • node scripts accept input (interactive)
  • a way to delete cloned repos
  • a way to delete app state (for refresh)
  • a way to update app
  • notification that a new version is available

exiled from v0.4.5

  • sometimes file is read as ‘##PLACEHOLDER##’ and replacement is not fetched from github
    • this seems to occur where file is read directly from store
    • this means that user must visit file first before it is read
    • an example of this occuring
      1. clone crosshj/fiug-beta
      2. preview terminal/.example.html
      3. observe failure when loading terminal/.example.js
    • this was noted without as much detail in v0.4.4
  • should be able to delete a repo as well as pull it

exiled from v0.4.4

  • bug: .keep files not removed when file is created in empty dir

  • git config alias
    • git config –global alias.br branch
    • git config –global alias.ci commit
    • git config –global alias.st status
  • refactor
    • major modules in their own folders: editor, tree, sw
    • wire up UI to use modules from folders vs in “modules” folder
    • remove “shared” folder (or drastically reduce size)
  • git pull: get changes from remote for a repo that already exists
    • when repo is “pulled” should not blow away .git folder
    • when repo is “pulled” should not blow away current changes
  • fiug command? gh/octokit command?
    • list all repos that are cloned
    • list all repos from an owner
    • list all branches for a repo
    • do everything github CLI does (lol)
  • worker transpiling
  • consider using webcomponent or shadow dom vs iframe
    • case in point
    • or don’t make this decision / do this work right now
  • editor horizontal scroll
  • merge editor changes with git changed(?)
  • feed exclusively on update event
    • editor tabs: order, open, changed, new, pinned
    • tree: service name, selected, changed, new, open, scroll?
    • editor: selected, history, scroll, etc
    • terminal: current dir (if not in session), service name
  • write a custom CM mode that works by wrapping another syntax highlighter:
    • http://www.java2s.com/example/javascript/codemirror/codemirror-custom-mode-apply-styles-on-keywords.html
    • (or dynamically loads any given mode?)
  • settings: should show status of pulling/cloning
    • might not do this, instead show loading dots in terminal
  • search: chokes sometimes (use GH search api?)
  • tabs: still weird issues / dancing
  • tree: parent folder not indicating changed child
  • delay occurs before editor loads sometimes
    • issue seems to occur because of file store get
    • issue may not exist now that browser storage is less used
  • copy is hooked up in tree
  • tree(?) fires multiple events
    • when dragging from one folder to another
  • offline command downloads all files from repo
  • DO NOT: download all files in service manifest on first load
    • balance this against offline usage
    • especially do not download files needed for templates
  • DO: load editor modes as needed, cache and cleanup
  • DO: clean up editor state as needed
    • when undo file change reverts to unchanged state, this file is touched but no longer changed
    • when a touched file is closed, it is no longer touched
  • clear(?) editor state for files when changed outside editor
  • file “##PLACEHOLDER##”, it’s possible there are other issues with this
  • service worker should clean up previous cache stores (but not app state)
  • DO: clean up orphaned files
    • files that are not opened and not in tree should be removed from store
  • DO NOT: keep state in many different places
    • which files are open: tracked in SW and tabs
    • which files are changed: tracked in SW and tabs
    • editor changes and file changes in different stores


  • terminal module
    • cleanup following rewrite/shift in mindset
    • includes removing old preview code
  • editor
    • load doc should be handled strictly by plugin
    • state should come from outside module
  • editor tabs
    • shift to rely strongly on SW state
  • tree / explorer
    • anything left from previous iteration?

exiled from v0.5.0 release planning

  • on editor scroll, show minimap viewport indicator overlay, disappear when scroll is done

  • focus on / zoom to a folder (in explorer)
  • search has performance issues
  • uploading images + binary files

  • terminal should get cwd and service name from query params
  • terminal left/right arrows for editing buffer
  • terminal tab completion

  • editor tabs order of next tab closing should make sense
  • explorer: add expand/collapse
  • explorer: overscroll seems to not be working
  • explorer > right-click > Open In Preview
    • should work with new terminal preview command
  • context menu for terminal
  • terminal passes hotkey events to parent
    • control-s: save
    • control-p: open file
    • control-shift-p: command window
  • reveal in sidebar is broken
  • editor tabs: keep open, pin, reveal in sidebar

  • clean up for editor document state
  • make sure editor undo history works properly

  • service worker should provide endpoint for directory contents list

exiled from v0.6.0 release planning

  • themes fixed
  • cleaner loading view
  • golden layout or similar for pane splitting
  • rename project/service
  • auto-detect tabs vs spaces
  • linter - https://codemirror.net/demo/lint.html
  • show 80 char limit line
  • scrolled shadow at top to indicate file is scrolled down
  • mouse clicks on terminal to select menu items (?)
  • deploy pipeline
    • https://jenkins.io/projects/blueocean/


a cool theme gallery

At some point, I’d like to tackle themes. Here are some thoughts on that.

An example of switching user preference for color scheme: from web.dev color scheme

const meta = document.querySelector('meta[name="color-scheme"]');
let colorScheme = 'light';
meta.content = colorScheme
if (!window.frameElement) {  
	window.setInterval(() => {    
		colorScheme = colorScheme === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light';
		document.documentElement.style.colorScheme = colorScheme; 
		meta.content = colorScheme;
		const root = window.frames[0].document.documentElement;
		root.style.colorScheme = colorScheme;
		root.querySelector('meta[name="color-scheme"]').content = colorScheme;
	}, 3000);


  • audit css - https://css-tricks.com/tools-for-auditing-css/
  • dynamic css
    • css is returned as a service by SW
    • settings affect what css is returned
    • this benefits themes probably most of all


  • allow customizing fonts
  • https://input.djr.com/preview/
  • https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/wordpress/best-programming-fonts
  • https://tonsky.me/blog/font-size/
  • option to use fonts with ligatures eg. https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode


  • tabs can be reordered
  • tabs can be pinned
  • tabs grouped (like chrome tab groups)
  • opened tabs saved on a per project basis

similar to what I’ve already built

  • https://blog.stackblitz.com/posts/introducing-webcontainers/

found from codesandbox.io

  • first of all, why does fiug not use codesandbox?
    • https://github.com/codesandbox/codesandbox-client/tree/master/standalone-packages/react-sandpack
    • https://github.com/codesandbox/codesandbox-client/tree/master/standalone-packages/sandpack
  • https://browsix.org/ - Run C, C++, Go and Node.js programs as processes
  • https://github.com/jvilk/BrowserFS - in-browser filesystem, NodeJS filesystem API, various backends

picture editor


  • sort of on the fence about this since Chrome Dev Tools debugging works well enough
  • also the concept of running a js file (for example) is still in its infancy

freeform input of ideas here

  • quickly take notes, edit/create images, explore visual ideas, explore logical idea
  • make slides easily
  • make charts/graphs easily
  • annotate images easily
  • mock up systems easily

  • application resources cleanup
  • preview/templates allow a different form of interaction with files vs text editing
  • hide and show UI elements quickly and easily, ie editor, terminal, tree
  • bundle templates with syntax highlighting
  • static analysis, code mapping, service map, etc
  • themes and usage of theme by templates/preview, dynamic css
  • development meta
    • regular vlog release
    • blog
    • clearer release planning
  • terminal
    • arrow keys
    • tab to auto-complete
    • customizable prompt
    • recall history across sessions
    • view recent commits
  • editor
    • horizontal scroll bar
    • re-order tabs
  • status bar
    • line up relevant info to associated pane
    • version
  • application bundle
  • internal application links
    • from terminal to some file + line number
    • from file to another file, esp. markdown
    • from one place in current file to another place in same file
  • tree
    • focus to folder
    • file status colors

2021-02-26 todo

  • straighten the way that files are stored in service worker (full path for id)
  • templates that work across services
  • fix preview/lock

  • version endpoint in SW - version and commit hash
  • github actions
    • example https://github.com/marketplace/actions/gh-pages-deploy
    • example https://dev.to/pierresaid/deploy-node-projects-to-github-pages-with-github-actions-4jco
  • load file without service being open
  • better “first view” for people that are new
  • better loading view
  • favicon
    • https://austingil.com/svg-favicons/
  • switching between services is awkward

  • dumbdown, tree languages - https://github.com/treenotation/jtree

2020-10-11 todo

  • split editor (mutliple editor panes)
  • editor: diff view
  • preview performance issues
  • javascript/modular templates (vs html-only)
  • terminal watch file
  • preview hot reloading
  • dynamic/virtual files (to feed into preview)
  • settings integration with service worker
  • delay loading all services
  • improved/cleaner service map
  • system services connected to each other
  • service details in service map
  • command palette commands
  • arrange images on single image (use spritemap techniques/code)
  • clean up and connect listeners/triggers
  • automatic add vendor deps to service manifest (cached offline)
  • package storage (like package.json/node_modules)
  • share project (zip/torrent)
  • one template/multiple file extensions supported
  • connect context menu commands
  • connect action bar things

  • minimap
  • go to line number
  • all terminal commands working well (like unix)
  • working directory in terminal prompt
  • delay loading service on initial load (loading all code-BAD)
  • editor: hover highlights expand/collapse indicators
  • git support integrated
  • messaging between template and editor
  • file search connected
  • import css in jsx files
  • untracked files (Untitled-1)
  • paste image / file
  • tabs versus spaces switching

2020-09-17 TODO

  • less tabs, close all tabs
  • create/delete file/folder works with provider
  • issue with preview, binary file shows in preview instead
  • CRUD, connecting service nodes working in service map (decide what it means to connect from code POV)
  • switch between tabs and spaces

2020-09-17 TODO

  • *.todo, *.slides, *.graph - all services should come with “native” support for these
    • graphs - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Infographics
  • *.settings - treat settings as templated files with a common UI?
  • connect git
    • https://github.com/isomorphic-git/isomorphic-git
    • real/beefy FS abstraction layer

2020-08-22 TODO

  • save a file with Bartok Basic Server provider
  • project switch
  • list of curent providers in settings

  • tons of issues
    • tab closing closes tabs that shouldn’t close
    • preview doesn’t show if project doesn’t have templates (global templates)
    • project loads index.js even if it doesn’t exist
    • tabs are not recalled for projects other than welcome project
    • switching between preview and terminal is broken in some cases
    • settings view has tab switching problems
    • preview fails after fresh boot
  • preview full screen
    • should hide most UI elements; only show fullscreen controls
    • fullscreen state is wonky

2020-08-01_1829 TODO

  • trying to get service worker fully fleshed out
  • make terminal not rely on callback pattern
    • instead, it should fire an event and only pop that event off pending queue when answer is heard
    • should have a timeout with this
  • seperate template listening and DOM updating from terminal code

2020-07-19_1731 TODO

recall all things

  • editor tabs (remember open, selected, and scroll position)
  • editor (load last loaded file)
  • preview (load last loaded preview)
  • panes (window width same as previous, recall positions)

connect all context menu items

  • huge list…

create|update|delete for service API in serviceHandler

  • need this before service worker fork can be merged

reset page for ui

  • kill service worker cache (or maybe don’t use this)
  • kill/reload serviceHandler
  • kill tree cache (sessionStorage)
  • kill all the recalled things (above)
  • kill service worker (which will be reloaded with boot())
  • kill moduleCache (localStorage) (maybe should be sessionStorage)
  • reloadServices true versus false

  • BUG: loading page shows loading bar multiple times

2020-07-14_1902 TODO

  • editor collaborative
  • mini map
  • download ZIP
  • react template loading spinner
  • search in folder
  • share service
  • shared libs should load in offline mode
  • smoother development flow on file change
  • storage usage indicators: memory & file system
  • todo app: export to bartok file system
  • todo app: groups
  • todo app: item edit
  • upload a folder
  • upload binary files
  • ability to close last file
  • bypass “let’s go” button on repeat usage
  • command palette
  • default view for no service selected
  • edit bartok in bartok
  • editor code folding
    • https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#addon_foldcode
  • fix: closing (and opening?) a folder should not save that folder as selected
  • folders open when contained file is selected
  • full screen for preview
  • preview binary files: image, font, audio, video
  • preview uses service worker
  • recall open files
  • recall pane sizes
  • recall pinned preview
  • recall scroll position per file
  • recall selected file
  • search in file
  • switch indent between tabs and spaces
  • todo priority
  • todos import
  • export todo’s: JSON
  • export todo’s: markdown
  • fix issue with explorer pane resizing
  • read bartok ui (now called “fugue”) in bartok
  • recall open tree folders
  • rename file-examples to be more descriptive
  • status bar line and column number update
  • todo scrolling

2020-07-01 TODO

  • bitcoin/blockchain in browser (and why?)
  • inline font: https://www.webucator.com/blog/2016/11/inline-web-font-avoid-fout/
  • open a folder from local hard drive
    • https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/filesystem/#toc-dir-reading
    • https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/filesystem-sync/
  • webtorrent
    • in a worker: https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent/issues/1248
    • see browser-server and aether-torrent from ^^^
  • web loading time
  • share
  • export zip
  • import zip
  • web build system / service layer
  • services graph / service selection
  • template creation flow & overall template design
    • allow preview to interact with other bartok web components
  • settings
    • define a backend
    • define a workflow
  • log in (auth with an identity provider)
  • collaboration
    • https://github.com/lesmana/webrtc-without-signaling-server
    • https://github.com/cjb/serverless-webrtc
    • https://peerjs.com/
  • open a page that is just the file in editor or preview mode; options editor + preview (or other mashup)
  • web persistence layer
    • localforage in serviceworker
    • browserFS?
  • indent using tabs
  • code folding
  • finish tree context menu
  • images/binary files
  • open preview in new window / share
  • codemirror elegance & bug where editor shows blank
  • non editor tabs
  • read bartok web in bartok web
  • write bartok web in bartok web
  • require an npm package (and use it)


  • https://app.diagrams.net/#G18h5403wK012mFwEuMETVVnQiyZmXPJOy

exiled from scratch.md


What is an MVP for Bartok?

  • CRUD services: editor, preview, templates?
  • visualize services & connections: service map
  • monitor services: service map
  • deploy services: ???
  • manage services: scale, scale policy, etc: ???

    What are the nice-to-have sink holes?

  • complete parity with items shown in MARKETING.md
  • going too far with any given item listed in MVP statement
  • open-endedness of the platform
  • cool things to make release videos look nicer (preview)?

    Potential Sinkhole Hard Examples:

  • meta
    • how do UI services work? how much of Bartok UI is built with them?
    • can I build bartok with bartok editor?
  • editor
    • could spend too much time (too much?) building an editor and putting all the cool things in it
    • perhaps editor should have it’s own MVP/sink-hole evaluation
    • parity: does it do all the beloved editor things?
    • completeness: does it do everything right?
    • innovation: does it do cool things that other editors do not do?
  • visuals
    • less concern about time waste here because visuals have appeal
    • would like to fully grasp how far is too far
    • there needs to be a basic set of items in service map
    • how they look is not as much important as how they connect
  • monitor
    • similar case as with visuals
    • this depends on visuals being in place
    • need to be able to read logs
    • need to be able to view resource usage
  • deploy
    • similar case as with visuals
    • is this a distinct item from manage (below)?
    • need to figure out how to do this
    • this depends on screens that have not been built
  • manage
    • what does it mean to manage?
      • scale
      • scale policy
    • similar case as with visuals
    • need to figure out how to do this
    • this depends on screens that have not been built

      What are currently the biggest “win” items?

  • … (not sure the following reflects the answer to this question)
  • service save in chunks (because some files are huge)
  • service templates
  • logs streaming from server
  • metrics streaming from server
  • service map showing real stats
  • UI ran from within bartok ecosystem (soft exploration into first-class services)
  • server ran from within bartok ecosystem (more serious foray into first-class services)
  • files need id’s for uniqueness «< HUGE!!!
  • service map showing real services
  • file templates (UI services)
  • file preview (htm, svg, react)
  • direct file system based service (to enable next two wins)


  • only keep changed tabs open, reuse previous/unchanged tabs
  • tabs stay open across reload
  • scroll/cursor position remembered
  • allow closing last tab


  • package.json should be ideal and not strict?
    • (comments, unquoted, single quotes, trailing commas, etc)
  • package.json should be service.json? .bartok.yml ?
  • service should get its name from package.json


  • templates for services? routeHandler, uiTemplate, plainNode, etc
  • eject templated app? (export)


  • better release notes recording videos - page of code SUCKS!
  • sidepane shows preview for React Component, HTML, markdown, etc
  • use iframe: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5050380/set-innerhtml-of-an-iframe
  • links are clickable in editor (NOPE - in preview instead)
  • document renders/previews differently for certain doc types
    • [.md] - show rendered html and allow to switch
    • [.svg]
    • [.jsx] - do react!
    • [.ipynb] - jupyter notebook
      • https://github.com/jsvine/notebookjs
      • https://github.com/finnp/ipynb
    • [.tp.json] (made up) - sprite editor and mapped preview (texture packer)


  • bundling in browser
    • http://webpack.github.io/playground/ - https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs
  • inline controls for codemirror - https://github.com/enjalot/Inlet
  • [IP] show binary files as HEX
  • show preview in side (instead)
  • node in the browser (and for that matter, the other language runtimes or emulators) https://blog.cloudboost.io/how-to-run-node-js-apps-in-the-browser-3f077f34f8a5
  • diff - http://cemerick.github.io/jsdifflib/demo.html
  • import/require/ read files from within preview
    • eg. <img src="crosshj/fiug-beta/.NOTES/images/process.png" />
    • eg. import { foo } from 'someServicePath/file.mjs'
  • import and export services
  • backup and restore
  • recycle bin / trash can
  • backup sqllite file ?
  • panes remember position
  • pane splitting (as with a framework that allows open-ended pane manipulation)
  • code diff
  • page resize doesn’t respect min width for explorer
  • explorer can be hidden more beautifully, will auto-show and dismiss
  • terminal/preview can be hidden
  • terminal can take up full screen
  • link files - files which store links and show them in preview
  • mini-map / preview within files
  • https://12factor.net/ - obey???
  • remember scroll and cursor positions per file
  • command pallete
  • find in file dialogs
    • error dialogs / message popups
    • notifications
  • keep up with VS CODE: icons, fold/match lines, folder arrows
  • code folding & fold all, etc
  • keyboard shortcuts:
  • ctrl-g: go to line
  • ctrl-p: command pallet
  • https://codemirror.net/demo/sublime.html
  • https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#option_extraKeys
  • draggable tabs (to reorder)
  • draggable files and folders (maybe)
  • popup to indicate certain keyboard shortcuts are pressed
  • connect codemirror to a language server ( LSP )
    • see crosshj/fiug-beta/.welcome/1ncubate/editor/editor.language.server.js
    • code completion, etc
  • language parser/lexer does double duty as syntax highlighter
    • https://foo123.github.io/examples/codemirror-grammar
    • ohm - https://github.com/harc/ohm
    • pegjs/peggy - https://pegjs.org, https://github.com/peggyjs/peggy
    • jison - https://github.com/zaach/jison
    • chevotrain - https://chevrotain.io/docs
    • nearley - https://github.com/kach/nearley
  • stream contents of big files to codemirror (possible?)
  • language support:
    • Rust, Julia, Swift, APL, ML, lisp, C#, OCaml, F#, other??
    • https://codemirror.net/mode/index.html
  • color picker in file edit mode
  • make it easy to edit svg’s in CSS
  • ascii representation of service nodes
    • http://asciiflow.com/ - draw ascii nodes
    • https://github.com/ivanceras/svgbob - convert to svg
  • https://www.dwitter.net/ - 2d graphics in 150 characters
  • spritesheet tool? https://www.leshylabs.com/apps/sstool/