important feature sets and associated completion status

why I open Chrome Dev Tools | why I keep Chrome Dev Tools open

  • troubleshoot/fix fiug code itself (Sources)
  • see console output of previewed file (Console)
  • color picking (Elements)
  • dom troubleshooting (Elements)
  • it fills a screen/pane space which is not filled by something else
  • verify network calls (Network)
  • clear application state (Application)

why I open | why I keep open

  • impossible to upload a binary through
  • check if gh-pages has built
  • impossible to delete a file and persist to github
  • impossible to delete a folder and persist to github

why I open VS Code | why I keep VS Code open

  • some build systems are not adapted to web: CM addon bundle, CM modes bundle

  • moving around a bunch of files doesn’t work
  • awkward integration with file system
  • buggy file management

  • (I don’t actually keep VS Code open any more)
  • service worker flow is not merged to main flow
  • no search in project / folder

  • doesn’t recall scroll position
  • doesn’t recall code collapse

  • can’t dev/edit bartok in bartok
  • cant CRUD/save a file with service worker
  • highlight is weird (themeing and color issues)
  • no search in file

basic server functionality in place

  • hosted node services
  • CRUD for services
  • persistance for services

UI is basically like VS Code

  • explorer
  • editor / editor tabs
  • terminal

mult-file support

icons and syntax highlighting for different file types

file templates


^^^ DONE or mostly in place ^^^

USE CASE: plain old editor with no backend

USE CASE: editor with preview, useful for front-end dev

UI is fully like VS Code (where expected)

  • CRUD for files (nice context menus, etc)
  • switch between services
  • all things connected:
    • files from backend
    • file status indicator
    • file icons
  • tabs work

authorization for bartok (not for hosted services)

deployed to “PROD” (depends on auth being in place)

USE CASE: basic hosting of backend services

  • swagger-type or routes only service
  • PM2 well-connected
  • scale services

USE CASE: intermediate hosting of client/UI services

  • upload binary files: fonts, images, audio, video
  • connect seemlessly to a backend service

USE CASE: advanced hosting of backend services

  • services map (UI)
  • workers on different machine