similar to backlog

TODO 230218_2343

  • ability to upload image or another binary from local computer
  • refresh with changes from remote
  • better CLI recalling commands

TODO 210413_1049

  • run javascript commands in terminal
  • terminal watch as CLI preview
  • delete folder in provider-backed service
  • move file in provider-backed service
  • move folder in provider-backed service
  • renameFile fails from terminal when file has slash in name
  • addFile with / in name does not use root dir
  • ==========================================================================C
  • all terminal commands are working
  • service worker handler CRUD completed
  • service with name of ‘bartok’ fails to load properly
  • ==========================================================================E
  • when file is closed and not locked, preview should close
  • when editor pane changes size, focus tab
  • creating a file should update service.json
  • fix: save project, refresh, preview does not load [created: 11/8/2020, 4:34:54 AM]
  • palette search should also search contained folder
  • smoother development flow on file change
  • file view with preview flag on uninitialized app (service worker is not loaded)
  • ==========================================================================A
  • all templates should have a refresh listener
  • all templates should send right click event to parent
  • all templates should listen for parent’s response to right click
  • all templates should get css from parent
  • cache for preview
  • react template loading spinner
  • add language vertex and fragment shaders
  • ==========================================================================D
  • green highlight for new files in tree [created: 11/15/2020, 2:47:15 AM]
  • hover gutter highlights all expandos
  • should be easy to search and add package from unpkg (etc)
  • open several services/projects at once
  • force browsersync to use polling versus websockets
  • ===========================================================================B
  • tabs pinning
  • share service
  • track time spent on code
  • storage usage indicators: memory & file system
  • secrets manager
  • editor collaborative
  • file diff view [completed: 4/13/2021, 12:19:10 AM]
  • files with duplicate names [completed: 4/6/2021, 2:30:34 PM]
  • upload a file to service/folder with duplicate name [completed: 4/6/2021, 2:30:39 PM]
  • fix: context menu near edge of screen goes off screen [created: 11/6/2020, 10:10:21 PM] [completed: 3/6/2021, 9:04:01 PM]
  • tree should recall changed files [completed: 3/6/2021, 9:03:35 PM]
  • app template component should just load url into iframe, not refresh url [status: deferred-not-complete] [note: this is only an issue with angular because of how it changes urls; no need to fix right now] [created: 12/3/2020, 6:20:00 PM] [completed: 12/6/2020, 6:54:32 PM]
  • add folder in provider-backed service [completed: 12/6/2020, 4:49:19 PM]
  • search returns results even when no search term [created: 11/15/2020, 4:30:37 PM] [completed: 11/16/2020, 11:40:20 PM]
  • recall scroll position per file [completed: 11/11/2020, 6:23:40 PM]
  • search in folder [completed: 11/11/2020, 6:23:42 PM]
  • undo steps should be loaded per file, not per editor [completed: 11/11/2020, 6:23:50 PM]
  • ========================================================================== 2020-11-03
  • todo multi-select [status: deferred-not-complete] [completed: 11/3/2020, 1:56:07 PM]
  • todo groups [status: deferred-not-complete] [completed: 11/3/2020, 1:56:07 PM]
  • todo item edit [status: deferred-not-complete] [completed: 11/3/2020, 1:56:07 PM]
  • todo export to bartok file system [status: deferred-not-complete] [completed: 11/3/2020, 1:56:07 PM]
  • todo date created [completed: 11/3/2020, 1:56:07 PM]
  • todo search [completed: 11/3/2020, 12:30:57 PM]
  • todo drag to bottom priority [completed: 11/2/2020, 12:04:13 PM]
  • hex editor for binary files [completed: 11/2/2020, 11:31:26 AM]
  • add template typescript [completed: 10/26/2020, 12:02:21 PM]
  • edit bartok in bartok [completed: 10/26/2020, 12:48:01 AM]
  • todo add item at end by default [completed: 10/25/2020, 3:58:45 PM]
  • todo completed date time [completed: 10/25/2020, 3:58:47 PM]
  • d3 graph template needs arrows
  • add template ocaml
  • add template pascal
  • tab closing context menu items
  • folders open when contained file is selected
  • switch indent between tabs and spaces
  • add template lua
  • untracked files
  • double-click tab bar for new file
  • press up at top of command palette should go to end (vice versa with end)
  • after creating file, switch to it
  • when deleting a file, it’s tab should close
  • download ZIP
  • drag and drop file from OS
  • paste image
  • mini map -
  • upload a folder using browser
  • upload files using browser
  • settings does not scroll
  • command palette
  • tree menu should be “sticky”
  • close a service from settings
  • open a service from settings
  • reduce number of open tabs
  • delete file in provider-backed service
  • ========================================================================== 2020-10-04
  • templates should be accessed in real time instead of ahead of time?
  • content-type header for stored files (sw)
  • add file in provider-backed service
  • add language lua
  • add language go -
  • create tab reuses last tab if unchanged
  • syntax highlight - ada, crystal, dart, elixir, elm, erlang, haskell, lua, ocaml, r, zig
  • fix refresh with settings active
  • convert WIP sql to template
  • convert WIP scm to template
  • convert WIP rb to template
  • convert WIP py to template
  • convert WIP cpp to template
  • convert WIP php to template
  • convert WIP pro to template
  • add syntax and icon - scheme
  • add syntax and icon - prolog
  • convert WIP assemblyscript to template
  • convert WIP cljs to template
  • code collapse only when file is longer than N lines
  • service map shows triggers and connects them with listeners
  • service map
  • convert WIP lisp to template
  • tree selected goes gray when tree not focused
  • json defined template logic is broken
  • settings view has a bunch of tab switching problems
  • duplicate services in terminal read
  • provider added services not recalled after modules cleared - NOT A REAL ISSUE
  • closing 1st or 2nd tab closes all files (probably editor nofilesview problem)
  • locked preview has weird behavior on page reload
  • F5 for refresh does not work if focus is in terminal
  • preview re-render glitchiness - switch back and forth between terminal & preview
  • switching from preview to terminal + vice versa broken
  • css change + browsersync inject - temporary fix
  • fix new file add at root issue
  • save file changes with provider folder/service
  • upload an entire project (folder)
  • brighter invisibles
  • ability to close last file
  • search in file needs improvement
  • default view for no service selected
  • new folder from tree view
  • open folder demo should use electron solution
  • delete a file from tree
  • how to save an entire project?
  • new file from tree view
  • control-s to save project works with service worker
  • full screen for preview
  • shared libs should load in offline mode
  • fix: do not code fold json root
  • fix: do not store blobs for files like: .ts, .svg + store .json as object
  • preview uses service worker
  • fix: explorer not sorting child folders to top
  • fix: closing (+opening?) folder should not save it as selected
  • did something to break tree recall open
  • recall folded code blocks per file
  • preview binary files: image, font, audio, video
  • recall pane sizes
  • add language assemblyscript
  • #########################################################################
  • bypass “let’s go” button on repeat usage
  • search in file
  • todo priority
  • .fix: editor tab scrolling broken
  • add language brainfuck
  • add language C++
  • add language clojure
  • html file preview should use service worker
  • add language lisp
  • add language php
  • add language prolog
  • add language python
  • add language ruby
  • add language scheme
  • add language SQL
  • editor code folding
  • export todo’s: JSON
  • export todo’s: markdown
  • status bar line and column number update
  • fix issue with explorer pane resizing
  • read bartok ui (now called “fugue”) in bartok
  • recall open files
  • recall open tree folders
  • recall pinned preview
  • recall selected file
  • recall status bar details on page reload
  • rename file-examples to be more descriptive
  • todo scrolling
  • todos import